RESOLUTE write tailored showreel scripts of different genres specifically to your casting to show actors off more authentically on screen.
We have a range of writers specialising in TV Soaps, Crime Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Dystopia, Thrillers and Horror so if you need a fresh and bold script to show your versatility on screen, get in touch with us now!

Holly Harness
I really enjoyed working with Resolute Productions and would highly recommend to any actor friends. The whole process from first contact meeting to final filming/edits was so organised and prepared that it was all so easy. The scenes written were tailor made to show mine and my scene partners strengths as actors and we were all given so much helpful advice and support on the day of filming. The team made me feel so comfortable and at ease while filming and I really felt my opinion was valued and included in the whole process.

Emilio Encinoso-Gil
Working with Resolute productions on these scenes was so much fun. Such a chilled yet professional atmosphere which really put me at ease as an actor. The team really cater to what you want to get out of each scene and your personal performance and I couldn’t be happier with the finished products.

Beth Chambers
Working with Resolute on my new showreels was an easy relaxed experience which creates professional short scenes that show you off perfectly. The consultation beforehand really helps them in getting to know you better, I feel they got my casting and me as a person perfectly in the writing of my scenes and the shoot day was a relaxed and friendly experience. Overall, my experience with Resolute Productions was an enjoyable and professional experience and I am very pleased with how my new Showreel Scenes turned out.